Thursday, November 21, 2013

Digestive Tract Project

This project was one of those spontaneous moments spurred on by the curious nature of my daughter.  I don't remember what she'd asked me specifically about her digestive tract, but the answer was a lot more complicated than one or two sentences, so we turned it into an afternoon project instead.

Supplies we used:
- Colored computer paper
- Tape
- Pencil
- Markers
- Crayons
- Glitter Glue (dollar store)
- Computer to look up digestive tract parts on Google

We started by tracing her on paper in pencil then going over it in marker.  Then I drew in all the parts of the digestive tract (thank you Google), and drew lines from each part out to the side.  

We also drew a hamburger at the top and a line going into the mouth.  From there we went from the mouth down, she labeling and me explaining what each body part did to digest the food that goes into her mouth and what each part was called.  After that she colored it all in (and as she colored each part we talked about it again).

When it was all colored, we took glitter glue from the Dollar store and followed the path of that drawn hamburger down through her digestive tract and right out as waste.  We both had a good time doing this project and she learned a lot.  This would be a good project for Kindergarten and up.  Obviously the older the kids are the less help they will need labeling parts.

Questions?  Comments?  Do you have great projects like this you want to share?   Let us know in a comment below, I love to hear from you!

1 comment:

  1. I love this!! Sometimes those spur of the moment learning moments are the BEST!
